
Showing posts from March 25, 2022

We have expanded our cities by reducing our forests - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh

25.03.2022 .. हमने अपने जंगल छोटे करके शहरों को विस्तार दे दिया कंक्रीट की इमारतें खड़ी कर दीं जिसका दुष्परिणाम आज मौसम में अनियमितता के रूप में देखा जा सकता है। - डॉ (सुश्री) शरद सिंह 25.03.2022 ..We have expanded our cities by reducing our forests and erected concrete buildings, the consequences of which can be seen today in the form of irregularities in the weather. - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh #MyClimateDiary #ClimateCahnge #unclimatechange #nature #Environment #ClimateCrisis #ThinkAboutIt #talkaboutit  #awareness #weather

Poetry | Summer! Summer! Hot summer! - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh

24.03.2022 Poetry | Just Think! Summer! Summer! Hot summer! Why you have come Early at my door I am not ready To face you yet So, don't create trouble more. Summer said on this By cutting trees By drying to rivers and ponds You disturbed to weather's bees So, face the stings and don't blame me.         - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh #MyClimateDiary #ClimateCahnge #unclimatechange #nature #Environment #ClimateCrisis #ThinkAboutIt #talkaboutit #awareness #weather #summer2022