Migratory birds prefer to come only in the forest and clean reservoir and not in the pollution of the city. - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
01.05.2022 .. प्रवासी पक्षी जंगल और जलाशय में ही आना पसंद करते हैं शहर के प्रदूषण में नहीं। - डॉ (सुश्री) शरद सिंह 01.05.2022 .. Migratory birds prefer to come only in the forest and clean reservoir and not in the pollution of the city. - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh #MyClimateDiary #ClimateCahnge #KnowYourEnvironment #Environmental_Imbalance #unclimatechange #MigratoryBirds #forest #reservoir #pollution