Our life depends on the weather and the weather on our activities.- Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh

03.02.2022 ... हमारा जीवन मौसम पर निर्भर है और मौसम हमारी गतिविधियों पर। अतः ज़रूरी है कि हम अपनी गतिविधियों का ध्यान रखें।- डॉ (सुश्री) शरद सिंह 03.02.2022 ... Our life depends on the weather and the weather on our activities. Therefore it is necessary that we take care of our activities.- Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh #MyClimateDiary #ClimateCahnge #KnowYourEnvironment #Environmental_Imbalance #unclimatechange #nature #ClimateCrisis #thinkaboutit #talkaboutit #weather