
Showing posts from June 3, 2022

O Monsoon where are you? - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh

03.06.2022 ... आज दिन में बहुत अधिक गर्मी  थी। शायद 45-46 डिग्री सेल्सियस तापमान रहा होगा। ओ मानसून तुम कहां हो? 🙋- डॉ (सुश्री) शरद सिंह 03.06.2022 ... It was very hot today.  The temperature would probably have been 45-46 degree Celsius.  O Monsoon where are you? 🙋 - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh #MyClimateDiary #ClimateCahnge #KnowYourEnvironment #Environmental_Imbalance #unclimatechange #VeryHotDay #Monsoon