Article | Who will buy the insurance policy for earth? | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

⛳ Today my article "Who will buy the insurance policy for earth?" has been published in the Sunday edition of #CentralChronicle. Please read it.  
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Who will buy the insurance policy for earth?

-    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

We take our life insurance policies but who will take the climate, environment and earth insurance policies?  Is there any future of our life without them? We take our life insurance policies for our future security.  They provide financial security to our family and us in case of any tragedy that may happen to us in future. We become worry-free by taking a variety of security policies. But does anyone ever think of insuring the earth?  The earth is our home and world.  Can we imagine our life without Earth? Who will take the insurance policy for Earth? 

Among the living beings on earth, we humans consider ourselves to be wiser than other creatures because we have developed our skills. But it also does not mean that other beings do not have intelligence. Man is not able to weave as efficiently as a bird weaves its nest alone. Even making it his home requires teamwork. If dolphins are able to understand human words, then ants not only make their settlements but also store them in food for future. So how can we say that they do not have intelligence? But there is one thing that proves us humans to be superior to all other creatures, that we can remember our long past and predict long future because we have reasoning ability. That is why today we can easily understand what phase of climate and environment are going through. Today we know that the temperature on earth is continuously increasing. The ozone layer, which protects the earth from ultraviolet rays, radiation from the sun, is in danger. Today we can assess that we have brought natural resources to the brink of destruction to get our modern resources. If this were not true, there would be no voices to reduce the use of fossil fuels on a global scale. Germany does not announce the permanent closure of its coal mines.

We humans are family animals and live in society and community. We buy different types of security insurance policies, such as health protection, home security, vehicle security, education security, accident insurance etc., to keep our family and our future safe. So why don't we worry about our home which is the collective home of all of us human beings. Which is the basis of our life. That is, our earth. Now the time has come that we have to worry about the future of the earth. 

Climate change has been emerging as a very serious problem in the last few years. There are many causes of climate change, which affect the life going on in the earth in many ways. Due to the widespread changes in the climatic conditions, the entire population of many plants and animals has become extinct and the population of many others has reached the verge of extinction. In some areas, certain types of trees have become extinct collectively and due to this the area under forest cover is decreasing. Due to climate change, the water system is having a very bad effect, due to which glaciers are melting and rainfall is becoming uncontrollable. All these situations are promoting the imbalance happening in our environment, due to which the environment is being affected in a very bad way. There are two causes of climate change- first, due to natural causes and second humanitarian reasons. Natural causes are the sliding of glaciers, the eruption of volcanoes and the human-caused greenhouse effect, which we also call global warming. But the truth is that what we consider to be a natural cause has also been increased by us humans.
It can be seen in such a way that ever since machines have been used to the maximum extent, the hazards on natural resources have increased. To run machines, fossil fuels are required such as coal and oil, burning fossil fuels, coal and oil, releases a lot of carbon dioxide, which generates gases like methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, which is known as global warming.

Climate change is having a very bad effect on the Earth's atmosphere. Trees play a huge role in balancing the carbon dioxide on the earth because they take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen. Due to the influence of the environment, many species of trees are going extinct, which is becoming a big problem for us. Our North and South poles are important for controlling the climate. These are having a huge impact due to changing climate control. If this climate change continues like this, then life will be completely extinct in the future.

Impact on water: Due to climate change, water is having a very bad effect. Rainfall conditions are also having a very bad effect, causing drought and flood-like conditions in many places on the earth. Many people are facing a serious problem. Somewhere the homes of many people are drowning, and somewhere they are desperate to drink water. Due to the continuous increase in temperature, there is a crisis of glacier melting, which is arising as a serious problem.

Humans changed the Earth's climate in just 120 years. This conclusion has been drawn in the Sixth Assessment Report “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis” released by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on 9 August 2021. At present the earth cannot be compared with the pre-industrial period of 1850-1900. This was a time when the climate was stable without the effects of greenhouse gases released by the burning of fossil fuels.
We have made our earth sick. We have made him unbalanced. Now our earth needs all types of insurance policies like health, accident, future protection etc. Who will buy insurance policies for earth? Even if a billionaire buys it, will any insurance claimant survive if the earth crashes? It is meant to say that if the earth is to be protected in the future, then its present has to be protected. All the policies should be not for the future but for the present so that we can save the future of mankind along with the earth and the earth.
#ClimateCahnge  #MyClimateDiary
#ClimateChange  #Environment #savetheearth


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