Article | Fate of Unborn Babies Vs Fireworks Culture and Climate Change | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

Fate of Unborn Babies Vs Fireworks Culture and Climate Change

-    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh*
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

The bitterness of medicines has the ability to cure diseases. In the same way, many things are said to be as bitter as a quinine pill, but our happy future is present in it. How sad it is that now even the unborn babies are getting affected by air pollution. These babies are our future and the future of the earth. So when the occasion of increasing air pollution i.e. Diwali festival and after that smog is about to come in front of us, then we have to think in advance about reducing air pollution. We have to find a way so that our happiness does not diminish and air pollution does not increase.

While I was researching her life to write a book on the lives of female Beedi workers, I had to face a painful reality. I saw a mother of 20-22 years old doing Beedi rolling work with her little baby who sleeping on her lap. She used to rolling Tendu leaves and stuff tobacco powder in it. In this process, many particles of tobacco were going into that child's breath. It was clear that the child will get a sick future. It was feel bad to see that the mother is unknowingly endangering the health of her same child for whose happy life she is working hard. In fact, almost the same process we go through during every festival like Diwali when we burst firecrackers fiercely and raise the air pollution to the danger level.
Recently, research has come to the fore that toxic pollution has been found in the lungs of the developing baby in the mother's womb. Know that his mother's breath reached him. There is a saying for the unborn child that "the child has not even breathed into the world yet". But just imagine that the child who has not even breathed in the world yet and becomes a victim of toxic pollution, then there can be no more misfortune for that unborn child than this. In these days uncountable unborn children are affected by toxic air pollution. Today's uncountable unborn children are affected by toxic air pollution.

Pregnant women and their fetus are at greatest risk from air pollution. Countless studies suggest that pregnant women's exposure to toxic air can lead to miscarriage, still birth, premature labor, and low birth weight. The strong association between neonatal mortality and air poisoning has been established several times. An uncontrolled exposure to allergens and air pollution may cause intrauterine inflammation. This can lead to the following problems as affecting brain and neurological development, affecting the formation and functions of the lungs, can lead to cancer, loss of attention, low intelligence, Alzheimer's disease.
Keeping in mind the climate change, there is a need to adopt some new style of celebrating Diwali. It is true that there is a different joy in running fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers and bombs with our own hands, but if  starts having affect in the womb of the mother to our future generation, then we should be worried. The density of land pollution is high among the dense settlements of every cities and it remains as it is for a long time. So it should happen that just as fireworks are displayed in one place in the celebration of New Year abroad and the whole city enjoys it together, similarly in our country too. In proportion to the size of the city, there are should be chosen two or three such safe open spaces and together enjoy the fireworks. Due to this, the level of air pollution during Diwali will come down judiciously. If we talk about the statistics, then the figures of air pollution level in Diwali start crossing the danger line. In the environment after Diwali night in 2021 approximately P.M. 2.5 i.e. the amount of micro-pollutant elements sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, carbon, organic carbon, silicon and sodium ions were found to be significantly increased. All these elements remain in the environment for a long time.
With the onset of winter, the risk of smog increases in polluted cities. Researchers have discovered a new threat in this smog, named aerosols. A new study has shown that aerosol pollution affects both climate and air quality around the world. Aerosols are small solid particles and liquid droplets that increase smog and are emitted by industrial factories, power plants, and vehicle smoke. The study was led by the University of Texas at Austin and the University of California San Diego. Although CO2 and aerosols are often emitted at the same time during fuel burning, the two substances behave differently in Earth's atmosphere.  Carbon dioxide has a similar effect on the climate, no matter who emits it. But for these aerosol pollutants, they are concentrated near where they are emitted, so the impact they have on the climate system is very minor and depends greatly on where they are coming from. The researchers found that, where aerosols are emitted, that can distort the social cost of carbon. Greenhouse gasses account for about 66 percent of the economic cost to society. The scientists looked at eight major countries which included Brazil, China, East Africa, Western Europe, India, Indonesia, the United States and South Africa.
Amidst the big dangers of air pollution, we can do our small efforts to reduce air pollution. We all know that oxygen is necessary for life on earth, so how can we endanger our life, our earth and all the living beings with us on earth by doing oxygen reducing work. We have to think about this before Diwali.
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary


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