Article | Come Check This! How Aware We About The Environment? | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle


Come Check This! How Aware We About The Environment?
         -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

What we need from nature for our life is simply, a balanced environment and healthy climate. This can be achieved only when we are aware of environment and climate. Air, water, animals, birds, sound etc. are all necessary for the ecosystem. The environment is formed only by meeting the matter and conscious elements. Today, when the danger of global warming is increasing and many types of natural disasters are happening in front of us, then in such a time we have to test ourselves that how much we are aware of the environment. So come check this by few points, how aware we are about the environment?

As we all know environment is an important part of our life. We use environmental resources in our daily life. All human activities have an impact on the environment. In the present era, the biggest problem of environmental imbalance is global warming and due to which the temperature of the earth is increasing and the steps of human life are moving towards destruction. In such a time, if we do not take any big step to save the environment, then the day is not far when our existence will be in danger. In fact the environment is in danger! The speed at which development has taken place in the world in the past years, the pace of damage to the environment has also increased equally fast. But we have discovered many ways to maintain balance with nature and are continuously doing so. Ways in which our comforts and facilities may increase, but we can reduce pollution by establishing balance with nature. However, there is still a lack of awareness about the environment in the world. So let's come check this how aware are we about the environment?
No big talk, we start the investigation from our home. How good are we at household waste management? Do we keep wet and dry waste separately? Don't we throw garbage anywhere other than the garbage vehicle? These are some of the questions by answering which we can find out the awareness of our domestic environment.  It is often seen that household waste, including iron cans, paper, plastic, pieces of glass, inorganic substances or leftover food, animal bones, vegetable peels, etc. are thrown in such open places. Areas where people keep their milch cattle, poultry and other animals. There the faces of these animals also pollute the atmosphere. The environment is polluted due to improper disposal of garbage. Apart from spreading foul smell, germs also grow in it which are the causes of various diseases. Mosquitoes, flies and rats also thrive in such places. Therefore, the waste lying in the house, outside the house or in the settlements can cause serious consequences for the health of the community. So, if a person has thrown garbage on the road, what is our reaction after seeing it? Do we pick up that garbage and throw it in the nearby dustbin or just keep cursing that person? If we get it cleaned by picking it up or asking a sweeper, then assume that we are aware of environmental protection.
Second point that what percentage of chemicals do we use for cleaning our house? We should know that if harsh chemicals are used for domestic cleaning, then it has a bad effect on health. Harsh chemicals also disturb the balance of oxygen in the house due to which there is a fear of respiratory diseases. These days, natural and organic disinfectant floor cleaners prepared from herbal formulas are easily available. Do we buy disinfectant floor cleaner after reading its description or do we buy by style of 'anything will use'? If we use soft and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, it means that we are aware of the environment. Do we educate our children about household waste management and cleanliness? If yes, then we can call ourselves conscious parents.
Polythene causes pollution. Polythene bags below the standard are not suitable for storing food items. Apart from this, they fly from the dustbin and go into the drains, due to which the drains start getting jammed. Pollution increases rapidly due to blockage of drains. Therefore, instead of using polythene, it is better to use bags made of waste paper and bags made of cloth as much as possible. If we have minimized the use of polythene bags, then without hesitation we can call ourselves environment friendly.
One of the major reasons for global warming is the wild cutting of trees. With the shrinking of forests and the expansion of cities, the imbalance in the environment is increasing and the amount of toxic gases in the air is increasing. We all know that trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Less trees means less oxygen. Knowing this basic thing, do we oppose the felling of trees? Do we plant trees on special occasions in our life? It is not necessary to plant trees in your house. If there is no space in the house, then we can plant trees by going to the city forest or any plantation field. Our aim should be to return to the earth those trees which we have cut down selfishly.
Some more points are necessary to be checked, such as whether we give food and water to birds in every season or not? Birds are an important link in the ecosystem. By protecting them, we protect the environment. We have taken away their shelter and food by cutting down trees. So if we give food and water to the birds, we protect the environment.
Water is the most important element of the environment. Due to our carelessness we are facing water crisis. That's why it is very important to conserve water. If we do not waste water, we can call ourselves eco-conscious.
Pollution is the most fatal for the balance of the environment. Be it air pollution or noise pollution. Up to 60 decibels is normal for the ears. More than this sound can prove to be dangerous for the health of the ear. Sound intensity greater than 130 decibels is considered fatal to the human ear. If we honk our car unnecessarily, we spread noise pollution. Nowadays loud sound systems are used in weddings and ceremonies. These also cause noise pollution. Making unnecessary loud noises is harmful to the environment.
So, after this checking we can understand how much environment friendly we are and how much we need to improve our habits to save the environment. Think about it and live with healthy environment.
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#savetheearth #CentralChronicle
#globalwarming #comecheckthis  #habits #ecoconscious #saynopolythene #waterconservation 


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