Article | A Small Garden Can Be Solved Big Problem | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

A Small Garden Can Be Solved Big Problem
        -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

*The continuous changes in the weather and the sprinkling of rain in the summer are creating a lack of moisture in the soil, which we can reduce by removing this big effect with our small efforts. Ever wondered why this problem didn't come before? Because earlier there used to be a lot of trees and almost every house used to have a small courtyard, which used to have grass and small trees and plants which did a great job of maintaining moisture in the land. Once again we can save soil moisture by removing the place of fire in the house. Just think, the days of our grandparents when we used to spend summer evenings in the cool gardens!*

Climate is such an aspect which is related to the life of every human being in the world and the condition of climate greatly affects our life. This fact can be understood from the fact that life on earth has been possible only due to favorable climate, but due to human and some natural activities, the climate conditions are changing. This situation is termed as climate change. There is no doubt that the negative changes taking place in the climate will be very fatal for the living beings on the earth. Governments are becoming aware of the dangers associated with climate change and people also need to be warned about the dangers associated with climate change. What is climate, first it needs to be understood. The average weather condition over a large land area over a long period of time is called climate. The climate of a region has the greatest impact on its geographical location. In European countries, where the summer season is short and there is severe cold, whereas in India, there is a predominance of hot summer season. Except for 3-4 months of winter, the climate remains warm for the rest of the time. In the coastal regions of India, the winter season temperature is average. Thus the climate of an area depends on its location. But nowadays we are seeing that the summer season has become erratic. It starts raining as soon as the heat rises and after two days of rain suddenly the heat starts rising again. This is not a good sign of the weather. These changes show that now the weather cycle is changing, that too fast.
Due to increasing environmental pollution, the temperature of the earth is increasing continuously. Rising temperature due to environmental pollution has made the situation of climate change more serious. According to the Climate Report, every subsequent decade since the 1980s has been warmer than any decade since 1850. This can also be understood in the statement of the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, Peteri Taalas – “2016 was the warmest year on record, but we may soon see hotter years. As levels continue to rise, global warming will continue. A recent forecast for the coming decades indicates that a new annual global temperature record is expected within the next five years."
After this we saw that the year 2019 was hot by breaking all its previous records. The UN Climate Report 2019 confirms that 2019 was the second warmest year on record, and 2010–2019 the warmest decade. In the year 2019, carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached new record levels.
We are looking at different situations in 2022 and 2023. The temperature is going up to 48-50 degree Celsius but there are sprinkles of rain in between. An erratic weather system is before us. We can be happy with the joy of rain in hot summer, but have you ever thought that how harmful is this rain of very short duration? Small vegetation that sprouts automatically in the rain, preserves the soil of the upper surface of the land, gives it moisture, and grows before time. Then they start getting destroyed in the hot summer. In this way flora and fauna are being affected badly. Another example can be seen that grass seeds are lying in the soil and they start sprouting automatically as soon as the rains come. A carpet of green grass is spread on the ground. If it rains and moisture continues, this grass survives until its next beach is ready, but if there is strong sunlight after two days, that grass will get scorched and its life cycle will end. She will not be able to prepare the seeds of her next generation. This will affect the land and its softness. Barrenness will increase in the land.
It is as easy for us to ignore the quality of the soil as the dust on our shoes. If you are not a farmer or a gardener, you never care about the health of the soil. However, it is very important for us to care about the health of the soil. It is a question of our existence. If the soil is not healthy, it will be difficult to produce food and the food crisis in the world may deepen. Soil consists of a mixture of mineral and organic wastes, which contain micro-organisms. It takes hundreds of years for the top one inch of the nutrient-rich soil layer to develop. This one inch part is an integral part of agricultural land, due to which grains are produced and billions of people get food. However, due to excessive heat and drought, this layer of soil starts to be destroyed, like the severe heat in Europe this year has damaged the soil.

"What we are seeing is that there is now much more drought. At the same time, soil erosion is also intensifying," said researcher Lizeth Vasconez Navas of the Institute of Soil Science at the University of Hamburg.
To save moisture in the soil, there is a need to join the save soil campaign. In March 2022, the Save the Soil movement was launched by Sadhguru, who embarked on a 100-day motorcycle journey through 27 countries. But if someone does not have time, then it is not necessary that he should join any campaign and do the work of saving the soil. The easiest way is to plant trees and do water conservation to save water in the land. We have given up building a small courtyard in front of our houses which used to have grass, plants and moisture. Just, there is a need to re-create that courtyard in our homes which is also called kitchen garden. All that is needed is a lush green garden between the multistory buildings, which preserves the moisture of the earth. The greater the number of these two things, the more we can save the soil and its moisture. So now when building or renovate your house, make sure to keep a place for a small garden as well. This will be our very small right, but very important help against the bad effect of climate change.
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary
#savetheearth  #CentralChronicle
#garden #savesoilcampaign #grass #plants #moisture


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