Article | Climate Is Changing fast And We? | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

Climate Is Changing fast And We?
      -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
 *Change is the law of nature. Seasons change. The shape of the moon changes in every day. The sun goes from Uttarayan to Dakshinayan and from Dakshinayan to Uttarayan. The types of crops and vegetation change with each season. These changes are good, we like these changes because these changes are positive. But now we are seeing negative changes. There is a change in the cycle of the seasons. Many species of insects and birds that used to appear in abundance are now disappearing. Where it used to not rain, it has started raining. Where it used to rain, there is drought now. That is, we have brought the climate to a point where it is changing at a rapid rate and is bringing dangerous consequences before us. But, are we changing ourselves to slow climate change?*
A huge lake which once provided drinking water to the entire city has been lying dry for the last four years as it is being beautified. Earlier this lake was even bigger. Gradually the lake was reduced by cutting it into pieces, drying those pieces. As much as it was left, it also struggled sometimes with water hyacinth and sometimes with the dirty water of sewage. During this time a dam was built and the drinking water problem of the city was solved. Now that dying lake, which is the identity of the city, has become a means of entertainment. A double-decker boat was launched in it, fish were brought from outside and thrown in that lake. The public became happy. But this happiness did not last long. Soon that lake came under the grip of a big plan. Crores of rupees were spent in four years but the plan was not completed. The lake is dry even today. If there is water in it, it is also in the form of mud. Once again the rainy season will come but the lake will not be able to fill this time also. Now it needs a massive cleaning. It looks like a field. It has lost its depth. When it is cleaned and deepened, then only water will be able to fill it. Now it will never get its old form, but it is difficult to say when it will get its new form. This is a sad story of a city and its deep lake.

Yes, there is also an interesting story behind the formation of this lake. Long time ago when this city was facing water crisis, a Banjara group came to the city. He spent several seasons here. The name of the leader of that group was Lakha Banjara. When Lakha Banjara saw the scarcity of water in the city, he felt that something should be done for the city where his group had spent time. Thinking this, Lakha Banjara dug a pond along with the people of his group. Then made it deep and made it a lake as Jheel. But it did not rain enough to fill the lake. The problem remained the same. Then someone advised Lakh Banjara that if he sacrifices the lives of his son and daughter-in-law, this pond will be filled with water. Lakha hesitated hearing this but his son and daughter-in-law happily agreed. Finally Lakha Banjara sacrifices his son and daughter-in-law. Coincidentally the lake was filled to the brim with water. In this story, there is mention of superstition incident like 'Sacrifice' but it is true that the lake which was made by a Banjara by shedding his blood and sweat, that lake has spent four years of drought despite having all the modern resources. At the same time, when the climate change is having rapidly.
Today, when every drop of water is necessary to maintain moisture in the atmosphere, the big lake has remained dry for four years. That is, the pace of climate change is fast but the pace of recovery of the lake is slow, very slow. Unfortunately it is not a fiction, it is a true story.

There is another true story of this city that once upon a time there used to be big and years old shady trees. These trees used to provide shade to passers-by and gave oxygen and moisture to the atmosphere. The population increased, the city started expanding. The number of different types of vehicles increased in the city. The roads seemed narrow in comparison to the crowd of vehicles and people. The need was felt to widen the roads. This will improve the problem of traffic and the city will also look beautiful like a metropolis. Excellent plans were made for this and work was started on them. Years old shade trees were cut to widen the roads. Some trees were also shifted to other places. What is the condition of the shifted trees now? There is no follow up address for this. Well, after the sacrifice of the trees the roads were widened. The city started looking beautiful. All that was missing was the trees. That too in such a difficult time when the climate is changing rapidly and only a large number of trees can slow down this pace. I will not name any city in this true story because it can be applied to any city in our country and on our earth. 

Just think, whether the number of trees in the country's capital Delhi is more or that of roads and buildings? Which number is higher in New York, tall trees or skyscrapers? Settlements are being established by drying up the beaches. Now we cannot dry the entire ocean, but we are definitely polluting it by dumping plastic waste in it. At the same time, when the climate is changing rapidly and the harmful effects of this change are becoming visible. 

There are many ways to save water and increase greenery in our plans and our slogans. On special days, by taking out processions, lectures and debates and by taking oaths, talks are held to save the environment. Seeing the enthusiasm of the people on such special days, it seems that now everything will be fine, but on other normal days, that enthusiasm and awareness is not visible. As if we do not want to remember the serious problems of environment or climate for a long time. When scorching heat scorches us then we remember the reasons which are responsible for scorching heat. When it is bitterly cold, we curse the weather. We are shocked when the rivers are flooded or there is a huge fire in the forest, then when the flood and fire stop, we forget those incidents too. Have we lost our memory? No! We remember all the things of 'Ramayana', 'Mahabharata' 'Manusmriti' 'Bible', 'Quran' etc., which were written by centuries ago. We remember his every word and follow them with respect. That means our memory has not become weak. Yes, as far as following the things written in these scriptures is concerned, we do not follow everything mentioned in them. In these texts it has been said to protect all the living beings. All living beings i.e. trees, animals, humans etc. But we have destroyed the forests by cutting them down. We do not care for those animals which are of no use to us. We are also polluting the world of aquatics. That is, we remember the things of selfishness but do not remember the good things of nature and environment. At the same time, when the climate is changing rapidly and due to which the weather cycle has also started changing.

So it's time to think that the climate is changing fast and we?
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