Article | It's Time To Adopt Minimalist Lifestyle For Healthy Climate | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

It's Time To Adopt Minimalist Lifestyle For Healthy Climate

       -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

        What is a minimalist environment? It's a simple question, but has deep meaning. This means making life climate friendly. This means that we should minimize the use of those things which are continuously harming the climate. If we think of an even shorter answer, we can say that we should make our carbon footprint as small as possible. Let us understand this in detail because it is the biggest need today.
           What is a minimalist environment? Why necessary minimalist lifestyle? These two questions are related to each other. But, firstly we need to know what minimalism in lifestyle is?
So first we have to understand what carbon footprint is and what are its disadvantages? After this, the need to adopt a minimalist lifestyle will automatically be understood. The amount of greenhouse gasses emitted per person or per industrial unit is called the carbon footprint of that person or industrial unit. Carbon footprint is measured in grams of carbon dioxide emissions. According to scientists, almost all the habits of humans, from eating habits to the clothes they wear, cause their carbon footprint. A big reason is the electricity used in the house. We can't even imagine how far-reaching our normally invisible carbon footprint impacts? Can you imagine that the carbon emitted from the ACs and other high voltage electrical appliances used in our homes produces so much heat in the atmosphere that it becomes a reason for increasing the temperature of the earth. Due to the increase in the earth's temperature, glaciers are melting rapidly and the seasons are becoming irregular. Due to which vegetation and water level are also being affected. In fact, every element of the earth is related to each other. If one element is unbalanced then it has a negative effect on all the elements. According to studies, it is concluded that hydro-electric, wind-electric and nuclear power always emit less CO2 per kilowatt-hour than other conventional fuels. Indeed, some new renewable energy source methods, such as wind power, produce no carbon emissions at all during operation. Yes, we definitely leave some carbon footprint during construction.
 Today families have become decentralized. Small family, small unit. Husband, wife and children. Sometimes the parents of the husband or wife also live together, but very rarely. Parents are left behind in small towns or villages and children settle in metropolitan cities with their families. Sometimes they settle abroad. In such a situation, those big houses which have many rooms suitable for a big family have no importance. Many times, big houses are built just for show so that one can have a high status in the society. Whereas such big houses leave a big carbon footprint and harm the climate. This can be understood in a more simple way that if there are many rooms in the house, then that many lights will be lit, that many fans will run and that many rooms will keep the land buried, which if it had been open, would have given an opportunity for trees and plants to grow on it. Humans can reduce their carbon footprint by reducing electricity use at home through the use of fluorescent bulbs. Washing the utensils by hand and drying them by keeping them in an open environment will also be beneficial. Glass, metals, plastics and paper should be reused more than once. The speed of the refrigerator should be kept slow. Light colored paint on the walls of the house also helps in this.
Can minimalism help climate change? Yes! Minimalism has a lot of potential benefits for the environment. By reducing consumption, you're helping to preserve resources, combat climate change, lower your carbon footprint, and reduce noise pollution. The question is how does a minimalist lifestyle help the environment? As you choose to live in a smaller house, you will consume a small fraction of energy on things such as heating, lighting, etc. This is useful in reducing CO2 emissions and preventing air pollution. As a wide array of people are now adopting this lifestyle, it has turned out to be more eco-friendly than ever.
How can I be eco-friendly and minimalist? So, the answer is 'Yes!', by adopting simple few things as Adopt a small house to live as per your requirement. Reduce food waste by planning meals and eating leftovers. Make leftover food and other biodegradable waste useful to nature by composting it. In a minimalist lifestyle, using solar energy for the electricity needs of your home will also be a big step. Most of our electricity and heat is powered by coal, oil and gas. We reduce energy use by reducing heating and cooling use, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electrical appliances, washing your laundry in cold water, or hanging things to dry instead of using the dryer can do. According to a study entitled ‘Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption’, what people consume is responsible for up to 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Not only that, production of items imported from other countries to be consumed has also increased steadily, which only adds to carbon emissions. It follows, then, that consuming less stuff will directly result in a smaller carbon footprint. Living minimally encourages a more conscious buying culture, which has a focus on quality, rather than quantity. Instead of buying four or five cheap jumpers throughout the winter months – only to bin them at the end of the season – minimalist thinking would encourage the purchase of just one or two good quality jumpers that can be worn for many winters to come. It’s the opposite of impulse buying. Today marketism keeps promoting impulse shopping without thinking about its side effects on environment.
So, in our everyday life, a minimalist environment means that we have just as many objects, food, or services as we need. A minimalist lifestyle is intentionally living with fewer possessions – focusing only on the things you need. If we are feeling overwhelmed by clutter, if we want fewer distractions, or if we want to cut back on spending, living with less may be the right choice. That is, it is clear that if we want to slow down the pace of climate change, we will have to adopt minimalist lifestyle for healthy climate and this is the right time to adopt minimalist lifestyle.
Thank you Central Chronicle 🙏
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#Minimalist #Lifestyle #HealthyClimate


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