Article | Set a target of 3 'R' in the New Year for a healthy environment | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

⛳ Today my article "Set a target of 3 'R' in the New Year for a healthy environment" has been published in the Sunday edition of #CentralChronicle. Please read it.  
🌷Hearty thanks Central Chronicle🙏
Set a target of 3 'R' in the New Year for a healthy environment

     - Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
      Writer, Author & Social Activist, Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

 Every New Year brings some new hopes and new goals for every person. Every person sets some goals for himself in the New Year. There should be some goals which are personal as well as useful for society and the environment. By doing this you will not only get peace but will also get a clean environment. To set such a goal, only three "R's" have to be adopted. If adopted sincerely, then goals like health, prosperity and cleanliness will be fulfilled automatically.

Whether it is household waste or e-waste, both harm the environment.  On top of that, waste management in developing countries has not been efficient enough.  The success of government or administrative waste management is also dependent on the awareness of us citizens. So adopt the three R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in the New Year and save the environment.

 It is important for every citizen to understand their responsibility towards waste management. Just imagine that a person throwing garbage on the other side of the road outside his house thinking that he is now safe from dirt, then this is his biggest mistake. Garbage is thrown anywhere nearby, when it decomposes, its odor spreads everywhere and mosquitoes, flies and viruses that grow in it also spread everywhere.

The biggest crisis that the last few years have given us is that of environmental imbalance. Environment is not just air, water and sunlight but the whole environment that surrounds us, in which we live, breathe, eat and drink, move around, and wish to be healthy. Now if this environment will not remain clean and balanced then how will our life be balanced? Various diseases will surround us, the weather will not change on its own time, the dearth of food items will increase and inflation will increase. All these things seem strange to say and hear, but one should remember that exodus of farmers who could not do agriculture due to lack of rain, lack of water and left their village, farm and went to the city to work. Farmers face such crisis almost every year. The people living in the city and town are unable to find their role in it, whereas indirectly every citizen is responsible for it. This is a small example that we are very happy to have wooden furniture made. For which one to five trees are cut. The wood commonly used in furniture is of teak and rosewood. Whereas a teak tree takes at least 6 to 15 years to become an adult. Where teak is being grown in agriculture, it is fine, but illegal cutting of forests is also used secretly to make furniture, which damages the forests. These forests are our oxygen store. It is wrong to even knowingly or unknowingly encourage illegal harvesting for the sake of decoration of your home or even little material pleasure. We can reduce the rate of felling of trees by using furniture made of recycled and reusable materials.

Reduce means we limit our needs. Buy only what we need. It is better to buy only the necessary things than to buy unnecessary things and throw them in the garbage later. Due to this unnecessary waste will not be generated and there will be no wastage of money. By saving such money, we can put it to some good use i.e. saving as well as a clean environment.

Reuse means to use an item again. We can also reuse any of our goods or we can give, sell those goods to another person for use. We can buy reusable goods for ourselves. That's why garage-sales are popular in America. The unused items of your house are sold by setting up shop in the premises or garage of your house. Many items are reused in this method. It's an interesting and useful way to get rid of or get rid of reusable stuff.

Recycle means that if it is lying in the garbage heap, then it is of no use, but if it is converted into a recyclable form, then it becomes an object of use. For example, broken plastic, old paper, old clothes etc. are collected and put in the recycling garbage, then it is sent to the recycling center where it is re-formed into new usable items by chemical process. Therefore, while throwing garbage, we should keep in mind which garbage we have to put in the recycled garbage bin. If recyclable dustbins are not kept in any area, a demand should be made to place them there.

Due to lack of knowledge of proper management of waste and lack of awareness about the environment, we unknowingly become the culprits of environmental imbalance. Therefore, keeping yourself aware, adopt the three 'R's and create a healthy, safe environment for yourself and the coming generation. This should be our resolution for this New Year. 
Best wishes for a happy New Year!
(MP Chronicle, 02.01.2021)
#ClimateCahnge  #MyClimateDiary
#nature #Environment #ClimateCrisis #thinkaboutit  #talkaboutit #Reduce #Reuse #Recycle


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