Article | Let there be no holes in the earth's roof | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

⛳Friends ! Today my article "Let there be no holes in the earth's roof" has been published in the Sunday edition of #CentralChronicle. Please read it.  

🌷Hearty thanks Central Chronicle 🙏


Article | Let there be no holes in the earth's roof

-    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh

Writer, Author & Social Activist, Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

The last corona period caused a large number of casualties. Whereas, scientists found that the lockdown in different countries of the world reduced harmful emissions,  which helped in shrinking the growing holes in the ozone layer.  But this was not a permanent solution. The world cannot remain a lockdown forever. If forests are cut, burnt and toxic emissions increase again, then there will be a threat to the ozone layer again. These things may seem unnecessary to the common man, but the ozone layer is related to the breath of every living being, including humans. So everyone has to think about it.

Every human being, every living being needs breathe to survive. Only the purity of air and environment can give healthy breath. But we humans have left no stone unturned to burn our house and spread pollution by our own hands. If we take Delhi only, then every year due to smog in winter, people suffocate there. Respiratory diseases increase and now corona infection which spreads rapidly through breathing has increased the risk. The breaths trapped behind the mask and the lack of clean air on it can cause fatal consequences for health. But where does pure air, pure environment come from, when we have made the atmosphere a 'dumping station' of toxic gases. It is pleasant to think that during this Corona period, the lockdown done in countries around the world has repaired the roof of the earth i.e. the ozone layer. Due to the outbreak of Corona virus, most of the countries of the world have been locked down. The operations of the industries were closed. Transportation on the roads became limited. This brought air pollution to its lowest level. The water of the rivers started clearing, the sky looked clear and blue. Due to the closure of large-scale industries during the lockdown, there was a big drop in the emission of toxic gases, due to which the holes of the ozone layer started shrinking, started shrinking. But it is not a permanent solution. Despite the corona-infection, the world has returned to its old track. It is also necessary. Without industry, the economy and development would collapse, and unemployment and hunger would become harder and harder to manage. That is to say that what we do not see with our naked eyes is also important for our life - the ozone layer.         


The hole in the ozone layer was first detected in the year 1980. As pollution increased, the ozone hole also increased. Due to which the ultraviolet rays of the sun started reaching the earth, it caused skin cancer, cataract, and damage to the immune system as well as harming plants. To avoid this, a Montreal Protocol Treaty was made at the international level in the year 1987. The ozone layer is a layer of the Earth's atmosphere. The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. More than 91 percent of the ozone gases in the atmosphere are present here, while on the other hand the ozone layer at the ground level acts likes a sun screen to protect it from the sun's ultraviolet rays. The ozone layer was discovered in 1913 by French physicists Fabry Charles and Henri Busson. At an altitude of 30-40 km above the earth, 91 percent of the ozone gas together forms the ozone layer. Ozone absorbs 93 to 99 percent of the Sun's high-frequency light. Chlorofluorocarbons ie CFC gases are also believed to be responsible for the hole in the ozone layer. In 1985, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey first discovered a large hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic. Scientists came to know that chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for this. After which countries around the world agreed to stop the use of this gas and the Montreal Protocol was signed on 16 September 1987.

The ozone layer is greatly damaged by chemicals made by humans. These chemicals are thinning the ozone layer. Chemicals emanating from factories and other industries are spreading pollution by spreading in the air. Climate change is being caused by the depletion of the ozone layer. In such a situation, now in view of the serious crisis, awareness campaign is being run all over the world regarding its conservation. But during the Corona transition, while the lockdown has impeded the industries and temporarily sanitized the ozone layer, on the other hand, people and their dharna-demonstrations have been hampered by calling for steps towards a permanent solution. Often governments are not able to curb the deadly methods of production of large industries on their own, but when they are supported in the form of public pressure, they are able to take concrete steps. The slowdown in the pace of active collective efforts being made in the interest of the environment can once again take the equation of the environment and the emission of toxic gases to a worrying level.

And at last, a very interesting story. Long ago there used to be a princess whose name was Vidyottama. She was an extraordinary scholar. She had promised that she would marry the one who was more learned than her. Many scholars came to marry him but returned after defeating him in debate. The scholars who failed in marriage conspired to avenge their humiliation and decided to get her married to some great fool. They all set out to find some great idiot. On the way he met a person who was cutting the branch of the tree on which he was sitting. He had never seen such a fool. He was brought down from the tree and it was explained that if he remained completely silent, he would be married to the princess. The introduction of that person was given to Vidyottama by saying that he is a unique scholar but is observing a vow of silence at this time, so whatever you want to ask, it should be asked with gestures. Vidyotma raised a finger towards him which meant that Brahman is one. The person understood that she wanted to break one of my eyes. He raised two fingers, which meant that if you break one eye, I will break both of your eyes. But the pundits interpreted the indication that there are two forms of Brahman. One man and one nature. Now Vidyotma showed five fingers to tell the five elements. But the person understood that Vidyotma wanted to slap me. He showed him the punch that if you slap me, I will punch. The pundits have explained that there are five elements, but when they come together, then only they have meaning. Vidyotma considered the man to be a scholar and both of them got married. But on the very first night of marriage, the secret of that person's folly was revealed and Vidyotma, enraged by this deceit, pushed him calling him a great fool. The man fell down while rolling down the stairs. At that very moment that person vowed in his mind that he would not show his face to Vidyottama until he became knowledgeable. That person not only acquired knowledge but also composed great poems like "Abhijnana Shakuntalam", "Meghdoot" etc. and became famous as Kalidasa. The purpose of remembering this story is that we have done enough damage to the earth and its environment, while living the foolish form of Kalidasa, the earth on which we live. Now there is a need to pledge like wise Kalidas and save the roof of our earth by becoming wise.                           


 (01.05.2022) #MyClimateDiary #ClimateChangeAwarness #KnowYourClimate #KnowYourEnvironment #UNClimateChange #climatechange   #environment


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