Article | Protect Nine Varieties Of Flower plants In Navratri For Protect The Nature | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

नवरात्रि में 9 दिन देवीमां को नौ भिन्न प्रकार के फूल अर्पित किए जाते हैं, दरअसल यह धर्म की ओर से फूलों के पौधों के संरक्षण का संदेश है। इसी पर केंद्रित है मेरा यह लेख-
Protect Nine Varieties Of Flower plants In Navratri For Protect The Nature
          -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
     *Navaratri, the nine forms of the Goddess and the nine flowers offered to her. This is a beautiful combination of religion, faith and nature. There is a provision to offer different types of flowers to all the deities. So that different types of flower plants keep increasing the beauty of this earth and keep expanding the botanical life. The natural spread of vegetation takes place due to the pollen grains found in flowers and the generation of vegetation keeps on increasing. Therefore, during the nine days of Navratri, adopt at least those nine flowers which are useful in worshiping Goddess and on this pretext, become alert towards saving this beautiful element of nature.*
Navratri has great importance in the Hindu religious tradition. It is celebrated twice a year - once as Sharadiya Navratri and second time as Chaitra Navratri. Nine forms of the Goddess are worshiped in this festival which lasts for nine days, that is, one form is worshiped every day. On this occasion, along with the clothes and decorations of the goddess, there is also a variety of flowers offered to her. This reflects the importance of nature in our mythological beliefs. Goddess likes lotus flower and jasmine flower too. Let us first see which flower is offered to which form of the Goddess.
The first day of Navratri is considered to be the day of Mother Shailputri. She is worshiped as Shailputri i.e. the daughter of Himalayaraj. Her idol holds a trishul in one hand and a lotus flower in the other. But hibiscus flower is offered to her in worship.
Mother Brahmacharini is worshiped on the second day of Navratri. She wears white clothes. Her countenance is considered to be extremely luminous and loving. Mata holds a chanting rosary in her right hand and a kamandal in her left hand. Chrysanthemum (Guldaudi) flower is offered to the mother.
Mother Chandraghata is worshiped on the third day of Navratri. There is a half moon on the forehead of the mother, hence she is called Chandraghata Devi. Mother's ten hands are considered. Lotus flower is offered to Goddess Chandraghata.
The fourth day of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Kushmanda. It is believed that this universe was created by Mata Kushmanda. She is also called Adishakti. Mother rides on a lion. Mother has eight arms. Jasmine flowers are offered to Mata Kushmanda.
The fifth day of Navratri is dedicated to Skandamata. Skandamata Mata has four arms. riding on a lion. Since one name of Kartikeya with 6 faces is also Skanda and being the mother of Lord Kartikeya, she is called Skandamata. Yellow flowers are offered to Skandamata.
Mother Katyayani is praised on the sixth day of Navratri. Mother Katyayani was born as the daughter of Maharishi Katyayan, hence she was called Katyayani. Marigold flowers are offered to Mata Katyayani.
The seventh day of Navratri is of Mother Kalaratri. Mata Kalaratri is considered to be in a very dark posture. She has three eyes and four hands. Mata Kalaratri has been described as the destroyer of demons or asuras. Black colored lotus is offered to Mata Kalratri.
Goddess Mahagauri is worshiped on the eighth day of Navratri. Her clothes and ornaments remain white. Mata Mahagauri has four hands. Jasmine and Bela flowers are offered to Mata Mahagauri.
The ninth day of Navratri is considered to be of Mata Siddhidatri. It is believed that Mata Siddhidatri is the goddess of eight achievements found in the world. It is mentioned in Puranas. Champa flowers are offered to Mata Siddhidatri.
Actually it is described in the Puranas that flowers have been considered the natural adornment of the gods and goddesses since time immemorial. This is the reason why the name of some particular god or goddess definitely comes with some flower. In the Vedas and Puranas, flowers and plants have been associated with worship and called for their protection. For example, the 14th chapter of "Rudra Samhita" of "Shiva Purana" talks about the importance of food grains, flowers and water stream. Shiva Purana describes the benefits of worshiping Lord Shiva's Shivling in various ways. The importance of using flowers in worship is explained in detail in Shivpuran. Although it describes the flowers offered to Lord Shiva, it shows the importance of flowers for our achievements in life. Like- the person who wants to get fame should worship with one lakh Agastya flowers. The person who worships Lord Shiva Shankar with Tulsidal gets both Bhog and Moksha. Worshiping with white eyes, apamarg and one lakh flowers of white lotus makes the path of attaining enjoyment and salvation accessible. The person who worships Lord Shiva with Jasmine gets the happiness of the vehicle. Those people who face obstacles in getting a wife should worship Lord Shankar with Bela flowers. By the grace of Lord Shiva, one gets a wife and in the same way women get a husband. If Shiv Shankar is worshiped with Juhi flowers, then there is never any shortage of food. If you worship with Kaner flowers, you get clothes. If worshiped with flowers of Shefalika the mind always remains pure. The person who worships Shiva with the flowers of Harsingar gets happiness and wealth. Even if we do not want to see this importance of flowers from a religious point of view, still we have to believe that by associating flowers with worship, our forefathers taught us to be connected with nature. Many plants and trees are considered auspicious in Hindu culture. People not only worship them but these trees are also used to remove negative energy from the house. Many trees have been called divine trees in Puranas. 
It is meant to say that along with worshiping the goddess during the nine days of Navratri, we should also remember that trees, plants and vegetation are also liked by the mother goddess, so we have to preserve nature by protecting them. If there is balanced nature then there is life on this earth, otherwise without balanced nature this earth will remain lifeless. That's why while offering nine types of flowers to Mother Goddess for nine days, one should think about the conservation and promotion of nine species of flowers. After all flowers are center of expanding of botanical nature.
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