Article | 'Hai-Hai Garmi!' Why is the summer getting so hot | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

'Hai-Hai Garmi!' Why is the summer getting so hot
         -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

*A few years ago, a song from a Hindi film became very popular - "Hai Garmi, Hi-Hai Garmi!" It was a double meaning song, but now in the rising temperature, this song has only one meaning and that is increasing natural heat waves. The coolers in the houses have been repaired, the ACs have also been serviced. That is, the pace has been accelerated in the direction of measures to avoid the heat. But have you ever thought that for how long these temporary measures will be able to keep us safe from the heat? When the mercury of the barometer crosses 40 degrees in the middle of April itself, then all these measures will prove to be dwarf in the future. It is important that we pay attention to permanent measures as well as temporary measures.*
People above the age of 50 say that the temperature which used to be in May-June earlier is now in March-April. The temperature crossing 40 degrees in the second week of April itself is a clear indication that the temperature will easily cross 47 degrees in May and June. This is not a good situation. By mid-April, the temperature in a city like Bhopal has crossed 40 degrees. The ongoing study also showed that most of the 103 weather stations recorded a significant increase in heat wave frequency between April and June during the period 1961–2020. One of the main reasons for this can be considered climate change. The average temperature of the world between 1850 and 1900 has now increased by 1.15 degree Celsius. That means the global temperature has increased so much. This was the reason that all 8 years from 2015 to 2022 were extremely hot. In the 1990s, the average temperature of the year used to be 26.9°C. For a few years now, the temperature of cities like Delhi and Mumbai has been crossing 40. At the same time, temperatures ranging from 40 to 45 degrees are being recorded in other states and cities of the country. According to the report, the temperature has increased by 10-14 degrees every two decades. Enter this speed so around 2025-30 the heat can reach 50 degrees.

The situation in medium and large cities gets worse in summer than in rural or open areas. Many cities are now being called 'Urban Heat Island' or 'Heat Island'. If the wind speed is less then cities can easily be seen becoming urban heat islands. Have you ever wondered what are the reasons for this? Because trees are being cut in the cities and high-rise buildings are increasing. These tall buildings are fitted with temperature-changing glasses, from which the heat waves are reflected and returned to each other. Due to this, the space between the buildings i.e. road, street etc. becomes a river of hot winds. Scientists explain this situation in difficult language but I am telling in straight, simple and short form that we keep passing through the streets between the buildings while being slapped with high temperature. This type of heat does not subside till late night. Then as long as this temperature decreases, the sun of the second day starts spewing fire. Not only keep the glasses of the buildings, but the heat coming out from the air conditioners also increasing the temperature of the environment. Due to which coolness like moon is experienced inside the building but the heat of Mars can be felt outside the building. The question arises that then should we not make tall buildings or put big heat resistant glasses in them? Yes, of course! We should neither build big buildings, nor use heat-insulating glasses, nor use air-conditioners, unless we grow trees around our buildings that control the outside temperature. We have destroyed the years of hard work of the earth to maintain the balance in temperature by cutting trees. At all, controlling the outside temperature doesn't require any major technology. Only shade trees are required. We can quickly grow such trees through research in the field of botany and thus rectify our mistake.

Almost the same situation is in small towns. There are no big buildings but no trees either too. They have been cut. We have destroyed the reservoirs due to our carelessness. So when there is no moisture in the ground and there is no shade of trees on the head, then the rate of temperature will increase every year. It is worth considering that tree plantation campaigns have been going on for many decades, yet we have not been able to increase the number of trees. Isn't it ironic? 

Another huge reason for increasing the temperature in the atmosphere is the multitude of vehicles on the roads. Almost every vehicle that runs on fossil fuels emits heat into the air, which keeps the air warm. Since the summer season itself is hot, the extra heat emanating from the vehicles at such times worsens the situation. From March to June 21, the Sun comes closer to the Earth. As the sun comes closer to the earth, the radiation emanating from it is also absorbed more by the earth. That is, there is more heat on the earth.  
Actually, the global temperature is increasing continuously. Scientists have warned many times that the earth's mercury is rising. It is increasing every year. In fact, we are getting trapped in the cycle of our own development, in which by harming the nature, we have created problems for this earth as well. The news of huge forest fires around the world in the past years has not been forgotten. Those fires were a side effect of global warming. We humans are responsible for this global warming. 

    Warm! Warm! The heat will not reduce by shouting, rather it will continue to increase year after year. If the pace of this increasing temperature is to be stopped, then attention has to be paid to water, forest and land. The damage done to these three has to be rectified fast. Only then can we go back to the time when our forefathers did not find this summer season as a dread but a welcome change after the cold.
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary 


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