Article | Nature Loves Nature But Humans? | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

Nature Loves Nature But Humans?
        -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh*
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
       Nature loves nature and human? This is a question to which we know the answer but do not have the courage to say or hear it. While nature keeps trying to communicate with us continuously and she wants to urge us to correct our mistakes. But when we are unable to hear the voice of our soul, then where will we be able to hear the voice of nature? Even then, if you listen carefully, you will find trees and plants also willing to talk to us. This is not a fiction. After all, those scientific theories are not wrong that plants and trees sleep at night, plants like to listen to music, ants also talk among themselves, etc., etc. Just once we try to listen to them, we will understand how nature loves nature and how we are forgetting to love nature. 
Once upon time a small plant was born in a forest. When that plant looked around itself, there were big skyscraper trees standing. He felt very small in front of all of them. The plant started crying in sadness, a fairy came there after hearing his cry. When he asked the plant the reason for crying, the plant cried in the same way and said that when Mother Nature had to give me life in this forest, I too had to make it as big as these big trees. Why did you keep me so small, I have no existence in front of them. I will have to look down in front of them for the rest of my life. The fairy laughed after listening to the plant and said, it is your mistake, you will not have to look down on anyone, this tree, it has grown here before you by Mother Nature so that when you are born and grow here, it can support you and you can see the world with the help of them.

The little plant became silent after listening to the fairy, but it did not understand the fairy's words. He felt that the fairy was saying this to him to keep his mind. After some time, that little plant turned into a vine. Now she needed support to get up. She saw that a big tree had bent down one of its branches so much that by holding it she could climb that tree. The plant which had become a creeper was happy and started growing up by holding the branch of the tree. Gradually with time it turned into a big vine and one day it found that its uppermost leaves reached the topmost tip of the tree. Is. From there she could see the whole forest. That day he remembered the words of the fairy and understood that Mother Nature takes care of everyone equally. She cares for everyone big and small, if she makes someone weak, then she also gives support to him.

Shortly after this event a surprising incident happened. One day suddenly that vine felt as if an earthquake had occurred. The tree on which she was wrapped started shaking violently, it seemed that the tree would fall. Bell panicked. But she could not do anything. In a short while, her guess proved to be true like a nightmare dream. The tree that supported him fell to the ground, along with it the vine also fell. Then vine saw that a man had cut down the tree with a saw and was about to cut down another tree. That vine felt that like Mother Nature, man will also make that tree stand again one day. But this did not happen. The man came with his companions and took away the cut tree. Due to this act of those people, that vine also got hurt, many of its tendrils and leaves were broken. That vine started crying again. Hearing her crying, once again the angel came to her and asked the reason for crying. Vine asked with weeping that the man who had cut down his tree and took it away, why didn't he erect the tree again to support her? Doesn't he know that now that vine has become destitute?
Then the fairy sadly said that you have now seen the whole world. But you don't know, outside this forest there is another big forest, the forest of humans where lifeless structures of cement and iron are built. Vine asked who made those structures. Are there vines and trees like me there too? The fairy said, No! There used to be trees like you, there used to be trees too, but by cutting them down, human have been made lifeless structures. Some of which are inhabited by humans. He doesn't love you all as much as Mother Nature does. For here in the forest, Mother Nature makes some or the other support for every plant, tree, river, insect, while humans are making Mother Nature helpless by cutting the forest.
The thing was very difficult to understand that vine still needed more bitter experiences but this much she definitely understood that what has happened has not been cured, it is all very bad.

That vine started feeling sad. But after a few months when it rained, one day her sadness turned to happiness when she saw that the stump of the cut tree had sprouted new shoots. She understood that once again Mother Nature has done healing for her trees and plants. She has also understood that nature loves nature while man is forgetting to love nature.
Guys, it is not a fairy-tale, it is a true story. This story told me vine itself, when I went one day in the forest. Guys, if you also go to the forest and listen carefully, you will get to hear many stories there. Some of them will be very beautiful stories, like that of a naive deer, a mischievous rabbit or a mighty bison. But there will be some stories that you will be more embarrassed than scared of hearing. These stories will include stories of lions being killed by poachers, elephants being killed for their ivory, beautiful deer being killed for their hides and forests being mercilessly cut down to expand their cities. Hearing these stories, we would feel ashamed of such wrongdoings of our fellow human beings. We will also get angry. The trees and plants of the forest will not tell us these stories so that we get scared or shy after listening to them, they will tell us these stories so that we feel what we are missing by listening to them. They will tell us these stories so that we remember that nature loves nature but we are falling out of love with nature.

If you don't want to go far, that is, don't want to go to the forest, then ask the plants kept in your courtyard or terrace or balcony, they will say that they have been suffocating due to dust, smoke and pollution. Their natural routine has been disturbed by the constant light even at night. They need not only fertilizer and water, but also pure air and favorable light. If you go to the vegetable garden, then those vegetables will be found in panic, which are grown wrongly by giving medicines and injections. They will only say that the sad future you humans have chosen for yourselves has been imposed on us too.
So, go to the forest, gardens and terrace and listen to these stories at least once that how Mother Nature controls the seasons for her nature beings and how we humans spoil the order of seasons by becoming enemies of nature. Have been after realizing our mistakes, maybe we will be able to do something positive for nature, environment and climate.
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#savetheearth  #nature 


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