Article | Trees: They provided a place for meditation and protection | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

Trees: They provided a place for meditation and protection
     -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
 Today the forest area is shrinking rapidly. Even we cut down the tree in the courtyard to expand our house. At that time we forget that trees have contributed a lot in the development of our religion and culture. It is not to be forgotten that Sita who was abducted by Ravana took shelter under the tree of Ashoka. During the exile, Arjun got a place in the Shami tree to hide his Gandiva bow and keep it safe. Lord Budha was born under Saal tree and attained enlightenment under a Peepal tree. That is, trees gave our ancestors a place to meditate to gain knowledge and by keeping their weapons safe, they provided them security in the future. How are we allowing such trees to be cut down?
Our Indian culture is a proud culture. There have been many sages and sages in our India who gave us knowledge and taught us the right way to live life. The four ashrams in which life is divided in Indian culture - Brahmacharya ashram, Grihasthashram, Vanaprasthashram and Sannyasashram, in these there is a period of living in Vanaprastha forest. It was a tradition to accept Vanaprastha after completing the responsibilities of household life after one's childhood and youth. Be it a woman or a man, he used to go to the forest as per his wish and while staying close to nature used to work as a link between the life of a householder and the life of asceticism. Even while living in the forest, he remained connected to his family. His relatives used to reach the forest to meet him, to whom they used to give knowledge of the usefulness, importance and protection of nature. If we look at the ancient history of India, we will find that trees gave a place of meditation to our gods, sages and sages. Sitting under the trees, meditation was done and penance was done. At the same time, the trees gave shade to rest and a place to keep the weapon safe.
According to the Rigveda, the Shami tree has the ability to create fire and according to a legend in the Rigveda, for the first time in primitive times, the Purus (ancestors of the Chandravanshis) created fire by rubbing Shami and Peepal twigs.
Peepal tree has been given the most importance in the scriptures. This one tree has been equated to lakhs, crores of methods of salvation. Even in the Gita, Shri Krishna has called Peepal the best. In the Bhavishya Purana, there is a mention of many such trees which are considered sinful. There is detailed information about the medicinal importance of trees in Vrikshayurveda.
Peepal is the only tree in the botanical world that does not have insects. This tree releases the most oxygen which has been accepted by science today. The tree under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment after doing penance is Peepal tree and in the tenth chapter of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna has clearly said that Peepal is the best among trees.
It is told in the Bhavishya Purana itself that by planting the trees of Sheesham, Arjuna, Jayanti, Karveer, Bel and Palash, heaven is attained and all the sins of the planter's three births are destroyed. The one who plants a hundred trees becomes the form of Brahma and the one who plants a thousand trees becomes the form of Vishnu. It is written about the Ashoka tree that planting it does not cause grief. By planting Ashoka tree in the house, the fault of other inauspicious trees ends. Bilva tree is also known as Shrivriksha. This tree is considered very auspicious. Lakshmi actually resides in this and gives long life. It has been told in the Bhavishya Purana itself that the banyan tree gives salvation, the mango tree gives desire, the betel tree proves fruitful, the jamun tree gives wealth, the Bakul destroys sin, the tinish gives strength and wisdom, and the Kadamba tree gives abundant Lakshmi.
By planting Amla tree, you get the virtuous fruit similar to many yagyas. Lord Dattatreya is believed to reside in the Sycamore tree. It has been told about the Parijat tree that Lord Krishna had brought it from heaven. It has been told in the scriptures that the person who cuts trees is dumb and has many diseases. Those who pierce Ashwattha (Peepal, Banyan tree and Shree tree) are considered to have committed the sin of Brahmahatya. Similarly, the banyan tree has also been explained in detail in the scriptures. It has been told in Vrikshayurveda that the person, who plants two banyan trees in a systematic manner, attains Shivlok after death.
When we read or listen to the story of Mahabharata, the name of Shami tree comes in it. Shami tree is the one which gave shelter to Arjuna's Gandiva bow. After their 12 years of exile, during one year of exile, the Pandavas had hidden all their weapons in this tree, including Arjun's Gandiva bow... Even before going to fight with the Kauravas in Kurukshetra, the Pandavas had hidden all their weapons in the Shami tree. Had worshiped and prayed for strength and victory from him. Even today, in many areas of India, Shami tree is worshiped on the day of Dussehra and prayers are offered to overcome every difficulty of life :-
Shami shamyate papam Shami shatru vinashini
Arjunasya dhanurdhari, Ramsya priydarshini
Karishyamanyatraya yatha kalam sukham mya
Tatranirvighnakatritvam bhav ShriRampoojita.
Meaning - O Shami, you are the destroyer of sins and the destroyer of enemies. You are the bearer of Arjuna's bow and are dear to Shri Ram. The way Shri Ram worshiped you, I also worship you. Make my victory happy by removing all the obstacles coming in its way.
Gautama Buddha was born in 563 BC when Queen Mahamaya Devi of Kapilavastu was on her way to her mother's home at Devdah, under a Sal tree in the Lumbini forest on the way. After years, Lord Buddha had done penance sitting under the Peepal tree by which he attained 'Buddhahood'. That is why that Peepal tree was called 'Bodhi tree'. 
The first Tirthankara Rishabhdev attained enlightenment under the Banyan tree and the 24th Tirthankara Mahavir Swami attained enlightenment under the Sal tree. Similarly, the middle 22 Tirthankaras attained enlightenment under different trees. The trees under which these great men sat and attained knowledge were called Kevali trees.
The trees which provided our ancestors a place to meditate to gain knowledge and provided them security in the future by keeping their weapons safe. How can we allowing such trees to be cut?
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