Article | Nairobi Global Summit 2024 For Disaster Risk Reduction | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

Nairobi Global Summit 2024 For Disaster Risk Reduction
         -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
    Disaster meaning a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction. Natural disasters are the same. Actually natural disaster, any calamitous occurrence generated by the effects of natural, rather than human-driven, phenomena that produces great loss of human life or destruction of the natural environment, private property, or public infrastructure. But we humans cannot give ourselves a clean chit for natural disasters. To some extent, we humans are responsible for such disasters. For this, we can remember the water logging on the roads of Mumbai and the floods in Bangalore. That is why the increasing number of natural disasters and their causes will be considered at the Global Summit to be held in Nairobi in January 2024. 
A Natural disaster is an unforeseen occurrence of an event that causes harm to society. There are many Natural disasters that damage the environment and the people living in it. Some of them are earthquakes, cyclones, floods, Tsunami, landslides, volcanic eruption, and avalanches. Spatial extent measures the degree or severity of the disaster. Levels of Disaster, the severity or degree of damage can be further divided into three categories: Small Scale Disasters: Small scale disasters are those that extend from 50 Kms. to 100 Kms. So this kind of disasters does not cause much damage. Medium-scale disasters: Medium Scale disasters extend from 100 Kms to 500 Kms. These cause more damage than a small scale disaster. Moreover, they can cause greater damage if they occur in colonial states. Large Scale Disasters: These disasters cover an area of more than 1000 Kms. These cause the most severe damage to the environment. Furthermore, these disasters can even take over a country if the degree is high. For instance, the wiping out of the dinosaurs was because of a large scale natural disaster.
Lets think about types of Disasters. An earthquake is the shaking or vibrating of the earth. An earthquake can range in sizes. As a result, some are so weak that they go unnoticed. But some are so strong that they can even destroy the whole city. Earthquakes can cause disruption of ground. Moreover, the can also cause landslides, avalanches, and Tsunami. However, the center of an earthquake falls mostly offshore. These can cause of releasing of the energy. This release is from the core of the earth. Furthermore, the release of energy causes seismic waves. Rupturing of geological faults causes earthquakes. But other events like volcanic eruptions, landslides mine blasts can also cause it. Landslides is the moving of big boulders of rocks or debris down a slope. As a result, landslides occur on mountains and hilly areas. Moreover, landslides can cause destruction to man-made things in many ways. Gravitational pull, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes can cause landslides. Moreover, soil erosion due to deforestation is also a cause of landslides. Avalanches are like landslides. But instead of rocks thousand tons of snow falls down the slope. Moreover, this causes extreme damage to anything that comes in its way. People who live in snowy mountains always have fear of it. Avalanches takes places when there is a large accumulation of snow on the mountains. Moreover, they can also occur from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, the chances of surviving an avalanche are very less. This is because people die of hypothermia in it. Tsunami is the production of very high waves in oceans and seas. Moreover, the displacement of the ground causes these high waves. A tsunami can cause floods if it occurs near shores. A Tsunami can consist of multiple waves. Moreover, these waves have a high current. Therefore it can reach coastlines within minutes. The main threat of a tsunami is if a person sees a Tsunami he cannot outrun it. Tsunami is unlike normal eaves that occur due to the wind. But Tsunami is waves that occur by ground displacement. Thus earthquakes are the main causes of Tsunamis.
The Global Summit for Disaster Risk Reduction will take place in Nairobi, Kenya on 20-22 February 2024. The three-day agenda will be packed with a wide variety of sessions with speakers from over 30 countries. After inaugural session discussion will be on  'Partnerships and collaboration for building resilience'. It will be explored how can be cross sectoral collaboration and multi stakeholder partnerships are effective in addressing the interconnectedness of risks for building effective community resilience.  Second topic will be how the inclusion of local knowledge and indigenous practices in DRR actions can become effective and efficient means to build community resilience. A session will be on the critical role played by communities in ensuring well rounded resilience building efforts at the front lines. Explored will be the approaches and best practices to ensure underlying and potential risks inform development processes. A discussion will be on global marketplace for participants to showcase their work and network with one another.
Opening session of day two of the Global Summit 2024 where all participants will come together to understand the current context on operate and deliver action. Explored effective ways will be to share data and information between stakeholders to enable effective resilience building. A session will be  to demonstrate the need for resilient infrastructure and the built environment to reduce disaster risks, including the role communities can play. A roundtables will be held on networking and collaboration between Africa, Asia & Pacific, Europe, Americas & Caribbean. Videos and presentations will be by GNDR members to showcase the risks faced by communities on the front lines and actions being taken to build resilience. 
In third day agenda will be understand how to adopt global framework on local action, including the challenges faced and the means to overcome them. A discussion will be on understand the importance of early warning for all and how to put it into practise at the local level. A session will on community-led, participatory and collaborative efforts to integrate disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) into development actions. A session also will be to explore the interlinkages between CCA and risk-informed development, and approaches to consider climate risks while undertaking development planning. A plenary discussion wlii be with key stakeholders on how to translate words into actions at the local level. In the end of summit will be the closing remarks from the Global Summit 2024 and the next steps for our collective action.
So, it can be hoped that the Global Summit on Climate Change to be held in Nairobi in January 2024 will yield some important paths for the future.
Thank you Central Chronicle 🙏
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary 


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