Article | The future of our climate is in our hands | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

⛳Friends ! Today my article "The future of our climate is in our hands" has been published in the Sunday edition of #CentralChronicle. Please read it. 
🌷Hearty thanks Central Chronicle 🙏

The future of our climate is in our hands

-    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

What is the climate? Who is responsible for climate change- Me, you, he, she or they? We cannot get away by blaming each other because we all share the climate together, so we all have the responsibility to keep it right. Climate change is the biggest threat to every human being and to all living things. In time we have to decide whether we have to survive on this earth with living elements or we have to wipe out life from this earth. Think once, because this is not a sci-fi fiction but a harsh reality.

What is Climate? In Simple words, Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. A region’s weather patterns, usually tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate. If the weather of the whole earth is changing which we call climate change, then it means that we have made so many mistakes and carelessness in the last thirty years that weather change is being observed in not just one region but the whole earth. To put it in more clear words, we and only we are responsible for the climate change that is happening today.
Just imagine that someday we may not have pure air to breathe, pure water to drink, pure food to eat, lava erupted from the hot surfaces of the earth and oceans, due to rising sea level, the Earth's land mass the part has sunk. So what shall we do? How will be we save our life? This is not a sci-fi fiction but a harsh reality. This is the scene of our future life, the script of which we ourselves are writing.

Our climate is dependent on our activities.? If air pollution is increasing today, it is only because we did not control the release of toxic gases by our factories. We used vehicles which releasing toxic smoke for years. We kept cutting down those forests whose trees used to purify the air. If water pollution is increasing today, it is because we have allowed the water of our dirty drains to mix with the clean water of ponds and rivers. We have allowed toxic waste material from factories and poisonous water to mix in the rivers. We have unbalanced their natural flow by illegal mining of sand from rivers. We threw such a poisonous substance in the land that even the underground water of the tube well started getting contaminated. Instead of conserving water, we wasted water. So much wastage that today many places have to face severe water scarcity. If we talk about the land, then where have we even spared the land? We have reduced the fertility of the soil by putting toxic chemical fertilizers and pesticides in our fields for years. Plastic and electronic wastes also have a big hand in polluting the land. We have made a lot of industrial and scientific progress, but we have not observed the basic need of waste disposal.

Like rivers, we have left no stone unturned to pollute sea and oceans. Due to which many important species living in the sea and oceans have been endangered. The ocean absorbs most of the excess heat from greenhouse gas emissions, leading to rising ocean temperatures. Increasing ocean temperatures affect marine species and ecosystems. Rising temperatures cause coral bleaching and the loss of breeding grounds for marine fishes and mammals. In the last decade, the world lost about 14 per cent of its coral reefs, according to a new report. Ocean-acidification, warmer sea temperatures and local stressors such as overfishing, pollution, unsustainable tourism and poor coastal management pose a combined threat to the coral ecosystems, the research said. 
The biggest threat facing us at this time is global warming. The ozone layer protects the earth from the radiation emitted from the sun and keeps the temperature of the earth balanced, the damage caused to it due to pollution is weakening the ozone layer and increasing the temperature of the earth. The result is the melting of glaciers and the increasing uncertainty in the weather that we are seeing right now. Ebru Ozdemayor of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ankara University, says that "Today, almost all climatologists have agreed on that the climate change results from the increase in the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and this comes as a consequence of various human activities. The dissolution of carbon dioxide, which has the largest share among greenhouse gases in terms of contribution in global warming and climate change, in sea water is much more when compared to the other gases in the atmosphere. For this reason, oceans are large reserve resources. Since they constitute a large part of our planet and have rich biodiversity, oceans and seas are aquatic ecosystems that are affected by the process of change caused by global warming. Global warming and climate change have caused a decrease in lake waters, an increase in the sea level, and changes in streams and precipitation models and have started to show negative impacts on all aquatic organisms from plankton to mammals. Krill have decreased by 80% on average in the past 30 years. Coral bleaching have increased dramatically. The number of Indian Ocean origin fish found within the waters of our country has arrived to 30 already. Reproduction area of sea turtles have narrowed because coastal habitat to be destroyed by sea level rise. Depending on decreasing of the sea ice many of marine mammals have faced with extinction. According to the mathematical computer models developed lately, it has been calculated that in the event that the CO2 density is doubled, the global temperature will rise by 3 ºС."

We are all responsible for this bad condition of the climate, all of us mean all of we humans. We cannot justify our innocence by blaming for each other. But we can improve our activities which are adversely affecting the climate. The deterioration of the climate through our activities proves that the future of our climate is in our hands, now it is up to us to make or break it.
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary


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