Article | How long will we depend on the painted leaf? | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

My Article published in Central Chronicle -
*How long will we depend on the painted leaf?*

-    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh*
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

*Ever since we have come to know that the temperature of the earth is increasing, the weather is becoming irregular, many species are becoming extinct, and then we have held Earth Summit, BRICS summit and many small and big conferences and tried to find a solution to the problem.  Yet we have not been able to reduce the irregularity of the seasons, the increase in the temperature of the earth, the rate of melting of glaciers. Are we trying to live out the story of "Last Leaf"? If yes, then it has to be remembered that the earth is not a human being to can be kept alive by confusing it.*

"The last leaf" is a story which written by O Henry. Almost everyone must have read this story in their school life. Although I completed my schooling in Hindi medium, still I got an opportunity to study it in school because this story was included in my general English book. It left a deep impression on my mind. This story is one of the stories never to be forgotten. It is certain that whoever reads it once, can never forget it. The Last Leaf” is a story of Johnsy, a poor young woman who is critically ill due to pneumonia. She believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside her window would lose all its leaves, she would die too. However, her neighbor, Behrman, an artist, tricks her by painting a leaf on the wall. Johnsy recovers. The main theme of the story is hope. The author aims to highlight how important it is for a person to have willpower and hope. Johnsy is provided with new hope when she sees that the leaf that is supposed to decide her fate is not falling. This shows that even a small act can light the lamp of hope in a person's heart.
But it is also true that in every context, the message of this story cannot be worked upon. Yes, especially in the context of climate change. Because here it is not a case of giving life by keeping others in delusions, but keeping everyone's life in danger while keeping oneself in delusion. How long can we deceive ourselves with our elusive efforts?

Countries around the world have held several summits regarding the effects of climate change and environmental imbalance on the earth, in which important decisions were taken from time to time. Like, Earth Summit. The first Earth summit was held in 1972 in Stockholm (Sweden), the second in 1982 in Nairobi (Kenya), the third in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 and the fourth in Johannesburg (South Africa) in 2002. The last Earth Rio20 summit was also held in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. The whole earth is getting polluted due to pollution in the environment. Scientists and environmental experts believe that if this situation continues, then it can have serious consequences in which it will be difficult for animals and trees to survive on the earth. In this way, the life of human civilization itself is in danger in future. Keeping this in view, in 1992, Earth Summit was organized by 172 countries of the world in Rio de Janeiro city of Brazil. It was in this conference that the environment got a solid form in world politics. Agenda-21 was passed on this occasion. All the nations were requested to maintain the natural balance, prevent pollution of the environment and adopt the path of sustainable development.

To control the pollution causing serious damage to the environment, five countries formed a group called BRICS, based on the first letters of the names of those countries. BRICS was established in 2009, and has 5 member countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Jim O'Neill is a British economist who founded BRICS while working at Goldman Sachs. It was intended to refer to Brazil, Russia, India and China. At the time in 2001, O'Neill believed that they were countries with economies that would grow rapidly and ultimately challenge the economic power of the G7 nations. Every year the governments of the BRICS states meet annually in formal summits. India hosted the 13th BRICS summit held on 9 September 2021 through digital medium. In fact, BRICS is running with broad objectives. The three pillars of BRICS are - 1. Political and Security - To enhance cooperation and dialogue on issues of global and regional security, development in the global political space as well as reform of the multilateral system to make it relevant to the 21st century. Cooperation in counter-terrorism and its financing remains an important element under this pillar. 2. Economic and financial- intra-BRICS cooperation in areas such as trade, agriculture, infrastructure, small and medium enterprises, energy, finance and banking etc. To promote economic growth and development for mutual prosperity through expansion of BRICS cooperation under this pillar is to promote collaborative approaches as well as innovative ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 3. Cultural and people-to-people exchanges- Enriching people-to-people contacts in cultural, academic, youth, sports and business through regular exchanges of people-to-people BRICS. Exchanges between parliamentarians, young scientists etc. also take place under this pillar of BRICS cooperation. On this issue it has to be said that when many small and big targets are made with the main target, then even the arrow does not understand which target to hit. We should have clarity with our goal.
In 1972, the world's first international environmental conference was organized by the United Nations in Stockholm, Sweden, in which 119 countries started the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) with the principle of 'one earth'. and developed a 'Suffrage Letter for Environmental Protection' which is known as the 'Stockholm Declaration'. At this time, it was also approved to celebrate June 5 as 'World Environment Day' all over the world.

Even after so many conventions and efforts, pollution is increasing day by day due to large number of industries and automobiles.  In fact many human activities are responsible for increasing environmental pollution. Yes, this proves the weakness of our efforts. Actually, all these efforts are like painting a leaf on the window glass to give psychological strength to the sick earth. Johnsy was a human so she got cured with the help of an illusion but Earth is not human. We cannot keep the earth in illusion. If we want to save the earth, then we have to make efforts with a sincere heart, not an illusion of efforts. An illusion like a painted leaf will not work.
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary


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