Article | Do Friendship With Nature For Stay Evergreen | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

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Do Friendship With Nature For Stay Evergreen
         -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
*Stay evergreen! These are lovely words. Who one no wants be stay evergreen. Who one no can live happily and full of energy? Is it possible in today's rough-tough life? Yes, absolutely it is possible. We can stay evergreen if we do friendship with the nature. Nature can be our friend more than a book because it gives us new experiences. Nature always gives us opportunities to remain evergreen, but what do we give to nature in return? Barren land and ruined forest! Nature does not ask for return gift but we have to understand that if we are taking any gift from our friend nature then we have to guarantee its safety in the return gift. It is necessary if we want to stay evergreen.*
Nature is the book
Whose pages never get old
Whose words do not give us depression
Everyday a new story
New poem
New essay
Gives to read.
Printed books
Takes away our loneliness
But nature's book
Keeps us evergreen,
From body
Healthy in mind
Full of enthusiasm.
Let's go,
Make friends with this book. 
 - It is not only my poetry, it is my feelings which is I got won experience with nature. After second wave of Corona period, I was feel deep loneliness. I had big personal loss during that period. I went into high depression. I felt that I have no one in the world. In those days I saw a plant growing in a pot on my balcony. It became clear in two days that it was a mustard plant. Perhaps some mustard seed had fallen into the pot by mistake. Though, it was not the season for mustard crop, but after getting soil, water and sunlight, that mustard seed sprouted. Little leaves came out. Within a week, that mustard seed turned into a tiny, delicate plant. I saw how nature traveled from the spice box in my kitchen to the pot and rose again in its natural form. From this incident, I felt that I must throw away my depression and return to enthusiasm again and go closer to nature. 
After this I started going out of the house towards the forest. While taking long drives, I would see all kinds of trees on both sides of the road, see fields and sometimes even spots where trees had been brutally cut down. I used to stop and see that even the stumps of the trees that were cut down have sprouted leaves. Nature never gives up. Whereas in nature also those five elements are there, together with which our body is made. Then we should not give up either. But before that it is important that we understand well that nature does not never harm anyone. If there is a natural calamity then we are behind it. We disturb the balance of nature and due to this the nature of nature gets spoiled which we see as natural disaster. 
I realized that no matter how much harm we do to nature, but nature keeps on teaching us to be patient and live with enthusiasm, just like an interesting book. It is our fault that we neither read the book of nature nor make it our friend. Yes, whenever nature gets angry because of our bad actions and tsunamis or earthquakes happen, we do not hesitate to call nature a "killer". It is our wickedness. 
The Corona period made us understand the value of oxygen. We saw our family members struggling for every breath. We quarreled among themselves for small cylinders of oxygen. While these trees and plants keep on giving us plenty of oxygen without asking, without showing any favor, without taking a price. It is a matter of regret that we become the enemies of these friends of ours and start running saws on their necks. In fact nature is a very good friend of us. Without taking anything from us it provides us all the resources to live here. It gives us water to drink, pure air to breathe, food to eat, land to live on, animals for our other uses, plants etc for our betterment. Should we harm our partner who cares for us in every way? No! Rather, in return, we should also befriend him, care for him.
There is a huge problem which I feel is that our young generation is growing up living in rooms, be it their own room at home or class room at school. We have stopped leaving space in our homes for courtyards of trees and plants. Our children can see nature in community gardens but not experience growing or tending them themselves. When a person plants a plant with his own hands, he gets emotionally attached to it. He lives another life with the plants. Today, those who plant plants in their homes or balconies, just estimate how much they serve those plants themselves and how much serve them by the gardener? If we continue to consider nature as a showpiece, we will never be able to connect with it, whereas if we consider nature as our friend, then we will also remain evergreen like nature. Anyway, to be evergreen, it is not as important to be evergreen of the body as it is necessary to be evergreen of the mind. This evergreenness can only find by the friendship of nature. If we want to be happy forever, be healthy and have a secure future, then protect nature, do not harm it and stop the deadly changes in the climate. So, do friendship with nature for stay evergreen. 
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary 
#savetheearth  #CentralChronicle 
#evergreen #nature #friendship


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