Article | #BeatPlasticPollution And Have Clean Environment | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

#BeatPlasticPollution And Have Clean Environment
       -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"

*Plastic is lighter than other things but this plastic is taking a heavy toll on our environment. Plastic waste is becoming a burden for the whole earth. Plastic pollution has become the biggest problem these days. Due to this, from village, city, metropolis to marine life is in danger. Humans currently produce over 350 million metric tons of plastic waste per year. Without being aware, global plastic waste production is projected to triple to one billion metric tons by 2060. That is why the theme of World Environment Day 2023 has been kept - #BeatPlasticPollution . Now it is our responsibility that how much we can keep our life free from plastic pollution?*

“Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action.” — Leonardo Di Caprio, well known Hollywood actor have said. He said truth. We have going to surround by plastic wastes and now we have time to face it seriously. The theme for world environment day 2023 is #BeatPlasticPollution. World Environment Day 2023 is hosted by Côte d'Ivoire and supported by the Netherlands and focused on solutions to plastic pollution. The main goal towards observing World Environment Day is to raise awareness on the issues like marine pollution, plastic pollution, air pollution, overpopulation, sustainable consumption, global warming, sustainable development, food security, illegal wildlife trade and sea-level increase. Many communities, governments and non-government organizations, celebrate the day by organizing events that draw the focus of people round the globe towards environmental issues and their solutions. In different countries World Environment Day is celebrated in different ways in the form of activities such as concerts, parades, rallies, campaigns etc.
Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. What is plastic pollution? Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles in the Earth's environment that adversely affects humans, wildlife and their habitat. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized by size into micro, meso, or macro debris.

Plastic waste continues to grow slowly as everyday garbage in third world countries. I would like to share an example, although it is a matter of shame for me too, that I see empty plastic bags lying on the roadside almost everywhere. Last year a new flyover was built in my city. that was inaugurated this year. I went to visit there one evening after the inauguration. It was a beautiful scene. I told my friend to shoot some pictures and videos which I can share on my social media. I got my pictures and short videos shot while giving nice poses. Returning home, I was shocked when I took a look at it before enthusiastically sharing it on my social media. On the side of the beautiful flyover where I shot my video, an empty pouch of potato chips was lying near my feet. I didn't pay attention to it at the time of photography but it was getting highlighted completely in the video. Just like a ugly thing. In still photos, I could edit and remove it, but in videos it was not possible. Well, even if I was able to remove it in the videos, it would still sting my mind. Actually, that empty plastic pouch should not have been there, it should have been in a recycle-dustbin. I also saw these types of empty plastic packets on the sides of the National Highway. It is common to see them on the side of the roads of cities and villages because our people are still not aware about plastic waste. These not only spoil the beauty of the spot, but also have a fatal effect on the health. The sad thing is that our own people carelessly keep throwing it here and there.

Plastic waste never gets destroyed self and it continues to poison the environment. The first synthetic plastic 'Bakelite' was produced in 1907, marking the beginning of the global plastics industry. However, rapid growth in global plastic production was not realized until the 1950. Over the next 70 years, annual production of plastics increased nearly 230-fold to 460 million tonnes in 2019. Actually, Ninety percent of the plastic items in our daily lives are used once and then chucked: grocery bags, plastic wrap, disposable cutlery, straws, coffee-cup lids. Take note of how often you rely on these products and replace them with reusable versions. It only takes a few times of bringing your own bags to the store, silverware to the office, or travel mug to Starbucks before it becomes habit.

Tourists often throw empty water bottles at tourist places. A national park in our country has adopted a very good solution for this. They collect 50 rupees per bottle of water and when the tourist comes back after visiting the park and deposits the empty bottle, then 50 rupees are returned to him. This is really a great way.

Plastic has become such a necessity in our lives that we cannot completely separate ourselves from it. It would be inconvenient for us. That's why it is better that we gradually reduce its use and adopt its safe alternative. There are some measures by which we can play an important role in reducing plastic pollution. Minimize the use of plastic bags, instead use paper or cloth bags. Avoid using plastic that has to be thrown away only after one use, such as plastic thin glasses, straws for drinking liquids, and similar items. Instead of plastic disposable glasses etc., use utensils made of clay in the traditional way. Try to reduce the plastic stuff. Gradually, instead of things made of plastic, adopt things made of other materials. Instead of throwing plastic items like empty packets, pouches, bottles, cans etc. here and there, put them in the recycle-waste bin. With this, that plastic waste can be easily transported to the recycle centers. Never try to destroy plastic items by burning them, as it does not get destroyed but produces toxic fumes which are injurious to health. In fact, apart from the government and environmental organizations, every citizen has some special responsibilities towards the environment, which if understood, the harm to the environment can be reduced to a great extent. Self control can reduce this problem to a great extent.
#climatechange  #MyClimateDiary
#savetheearth  #CentralChronicle
#cleanenvironment  #BeatPlasticPollution


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