Article | Carefully Read ! Puranas Says Save Environment | Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh | Central Chronicle

Carefully Read ! Puranas Says Save Environment
        -    Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh
Writer, Author & Social Activist
Blogger - "Climate Diary Of Dr (Ms) Sharad Singh"
We all want a good healthy life and to get it we do yoga, exercises and eat vitamin pills. We try our best to control our diet. We have understood that our modern lifestyle has started having a negative impact on our health. Unfortunately, we forget that these efforts are not enough to keep us healthy. If one wants to remain healthy then one has to keep the environmental elements like air, water, soil etc. clean. This is what has been explained in the Puranas. We read the Puranas as religious texts but do not try to understand their messages.
      Our Indian civilization and culture seems to have started from the worship and worship of Prati since ancient times. Whose basis is fear and worship. Indian literature has its own special importance and that is why Puranas have a special place in Indian literature. In these, not only is there an explanation of the Nirguna meanings of the Vedas, apart from this, along with ritual worship and expansion of knowledge, there is also a mantra or source for the protection of the environment, which is an attempt to bring humans closer to nature and make them aware about doing good with it. Does. In the Puranas, yagyas were performed for the purification of the environment by those people who consider yagya to be performed only to fulfill one's work or wish. The elements of protecting the atmosphere of nature remained present through these yagyas. For this reason it is said in Padma Purana that-
Yagyenpyayita deva vrishtyutsargen manvah.
Apyayan Vai kurvati yagyah kalyan hetavah
    That is, it is clearly said that the gods are nourished by Yagya, rains caused by Yagya sustain the life of humans and trees. That is, it is clear that these rivers were created not only to distribute the gods but also to preserve and protect them.

      All types of Yagya are performed not only to please God but also to clean the elements that pollute the environment. At present, human attention is being attracted towards scientific concepts, ignoring these reasons for environmental protection. To protect the environment, the message of saving the life of trees, rivers, ponds and purifying the environment has been continuously given in the Puranas or in Indian literature. The Puranas serve as an inspiration to conserve and protect the environment. Matsya Purana clearly says-
Dashkoop samovapi dashvapisamohardah
Dashahridasam: Putro, Dashputrasam: Drumah
(Vidhan Parijat Section 4.A. 49)

     That is, the virtue in building one lake is equal to the construction of ten wells and the virtue in building ten ponds is equal to the construction of one heart (huge lake). Ten huge lakes have been considered like a son. And planting of one tree was said to be equivalent to ten sons, that is, the highest ideal of life has been presented. In the Puranas, saving the environment has been linked to virtue. Many virtues have been attributed to the planting of trees in the Puranas, so that humans can also plant trees due to their virtues. It is said in the Shiv Purana that those who plant gardens and shade trees, go to Yamaloka without suffering. People who plant flowers in large quantities go to Yamaloka through Pushpak Vimana. Water has been said to sustain the entire living community because the environment is not only the basis of trees and human civilization, but water is also the main basis of the environment. Life cannot be imagined without water. Or it would be more appropriate to say that Panch Mahabhoot elements are the main basis of life because life cannot be imagined without them.
Paniyadanam Paramam Danamuttaman Tada
Sarvesham jeevapunjaanam tarpanam jeevanam smashtam

     According to the Puranas, the virtuous work of serving the entire creation is accomplished by serving trees. Irrigation with water has a paramount place in the service of trees. Getting enough water protects the life of trees, they grow faster, the creatures dependent on them get happiness and the environment improves. In Skanda Purana, Bhavishya Purana and other Puranas too, there is a provision of watering trees like Tulsi, Peepal and Bael etc. with religious significance, which is prevalent even today in our religious beliefs. Rishis and scholars who do research on human consciousness believe that the hard work and effort a person spends in the service of the Lord reduces his sins, increases the power of virtue and due to its effect, all kinds of sorrows and misfortunes are removed and happiness and good fortune are obtained. arises. This earning is not done without hard work but in exchange for penance. The presence of sacred trees under the pretext of water irrigation gives us good thoughts and the power to follow them and refines our personality.
Sechanadapi vrikshasya ropitasya paren tu.
Mahatphalamvaapnoti natra karya vicharana.'
(Vishnuttara Purana 3.297)
          That is, irrigating a tree planted by someone else also yields great fruits, there is no need to think about it.
All humans should make stepwells (ponds). When water is drawn from a well or comes out, it eliminates half of the sins of the sinful person. Takes away all the sins of man. The one whose cow, Brahmin, sage, saint and sage drink water from the dug pond, he saves his entire clan. If we want the welfare of the environment, then its edification is necessary and sages have given indications through mantras to save the environment. If present day humans adopt these tips, then our world will not fall victim to this modernity and the entire world will become free from environmental pollution. Mahatmas, sages and monks have said that those who plant trees at inaccessible places save their past and future generations, for which planting trees is very important and the environment will continue to be protected and protected. Explaining the usefulness of trees in the Bhavishya Purana, it has been said that at that time the area around ten feet from the root of the tree was considered to be the best area, and as far as its shadow extends, the water flowing in contact with a healthy tree is as far as that area. The area it reaches is considered as sacred as the sanctity of the Ganga. Aayu Vedic tree science has been described in Agni Purana. After achieving the goal in the north direction of the planet, Banyan in the East, Mango in the South and a healthy Peepal tree in the South is considered Mars. A thorny tree growing in the south direction near the house is also auspicious. A garden should be built near the residence.

       Actually in almost all the Puranas i.e. Vishnu Purana, Agni Purana, Natsya Purana, Varaha Purana, Vamana Purana and other Puranas, instructions related to environmental protection have been given, all that is needed is to understand them.
Thank you Central Chronicle 🙏
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